Common Mistakes That Stall Your Express Entry To Canada

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Things you should know before express entry application.

The term ‘Express Entry’ may seem to imply that immigration to Canada is like a snappy 100-meter dash. However, if you so much as sway a bit from your track, you may be ousted from the race for good. The online nature of the submission process of an Express Entry Application is not disposed to be forgiving. It does not allow room for any omission or error, however unintended it may be. Let alone furnishing misleading information that could lead to a ban spanning several years.

An Invitation to Apply is what puts your application in gear for your journey to Canada. But the window of 60 days (now 90 days due to the COVID era) meant for submission of application, post receiving such an invitation, could make or break your permanent residency. Your prep for the Express Entry application requires careful tending equipped with reflection and caution with regards to verification of eligibility criteria and documentation.

Here are some routine but avoidable blunders that could stall your fast track ride to Canada.

1. Furnishing Inaccurate Information

Even the most promising prospects can fall prey to inaccurate or flawed furnishing of information. You may be ‘confident’ about various elements of the Express Entry application but you’d be surprised how a minor discrepancy could defer your Canadian dream. The most common errors are made under the following heads:

– Eligibility Criteria

Calculating your Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score before verifying your eligibility for an immigration program is like counting cards before they are dealt to you. The various programs under Express Entry are:

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • Canadian Experience Class
  • Provincial Nominee Program

Assess whether you qualify for either of the above programs as each of these programs assesses candidates based on differing parameters for age, education, work experience, language ability, etc. Get help from a Registered Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC). Click Here to take a free assessment or call 778-929-3447 to book a free first consultation.

– Education Credentials

There is a chance that your foreign degree may not account for an equivalent Canadian degree. A premature creation of your profile before acquiring an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) from an organization designated by IRCC would prove to be detrimental to your application.

Get your educational credentials verified whether they are deemed to be equivalent to Canadian parameters. 


National Occupation Code (NOC) is Canada’s standardized categorization of different occupations that correspond to different levels of work experience and skill. Choosing the wrong code for assessment that does not meet work experience requirements relevant to you would ensure rejection of your application from the assessing officer.

Make sure you conduct a thorough search of the NOC database and focus on the duties, job titles and descriptions mentioned therein. 

– Proof of Work Experience

A very specific set of documents determine the validity of your work experience. Providing incorrect proof of work experience and neglecting relevant evidentiary documentation is another way of straying from your express track to Canadian PR. Work experience gained prior to receiving your relevant degree cannot be claimed.

Moreover, if you try to squeeze more work hours over a week to qualify for the amount of work experience in hours would leave you not only exhausted but also with a gross miscalculation of work hours.

Make sure that any proof of work experience outlines your job profile, tasks, salary, period of employment, average hours per week and sworn declarations from your previous employers. You will be able to make a stronger case for your application if your supporting documents are exhaustive in establishing your work experience.

Moreover, ensure that you employ a method of calculation that satisfies both the amount of work and time-period required for Express Entry i.e. only up to 30 full-time work hours per week and 15 part-time work hours per week.

– Job Offer

Canada weighs the legitimacy of a job offer on two main factors. The job offer should be sourced from an authorized and established employer and should accompany a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). A job offer from a non-compliant employer or without getting a positive LMIA from a legitimate employer (unless the applicant avails an LMIA-exempt visa) would be invalid.

Ensure that the employment offer obtained is for a full-time position with applicable LMIA approvals from an eligible employer.

– Language Test

Canada only recognizes English and French to be its official languages. Language Test is a parameter against which your suitability to integrate into Canadian society is assessed. Taking any language test other than the IRCC approved language proficiency tests i.e. CELPIP or IELTS would lead to disqualification. Also, the submission of documents in any language other than English or French is subject to denial. 

Ensure that you take the approved language tests and provide supporting documents in the official documents. An applicant could also provide a stamped translation by an official translator or an attached affidavit from the person who conducted the translation along with the source document.

Any ‘assumptions’ about the accuracy of information acquired on your behalf should be subject to rigorous verification.

2. Not Conforming to Rules and Regulations

A mere skimming of the rules and regulations breeds wrongful assumptions about various criteria stipulated under the Canadian immigration regime. This could also lead to missing crucial deadlines and important changes and updates in the existing policies.

A microscopic examination and adherence to the rules and regulations to the T would prevent your application from being marred by frivolous mistakes made in haste.

3. Not Updating Your Profile

Updating your profile is as important as tracking changes in rules and regulations. An Express Entry profile, once submitted, cannot accommodate any changes or revisions you might have in language test score, education qualification, work experience, medical infirmity or financial position. 

Keep in mind that an outdated file could raise unnecessary obstacles which can easily be avoided by keeping a hawk’s eye on any revisions and making sure you follow the complete procedure for submitting your profile with updates.

4. Providing False Information

Misrepresentation not only leads to a prolonged ban from applying for a PR, but it also is a serious offence. Apart from the accuracy of the information, you should also ensure that you do not omit any important piece of information. Your medical or criminal record should be comprehensively and honestly disclosed as every prior record is not always detrimental to your application.

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The term Express Entry may be deceiving as it’s a long haul that demands considerable preparation. Being mindful of precision and honesty could go a long way in keeping negligence at bay. Get in touch with us to prevent being misguided in your journey to Canada. 

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